Unknown Benefits of Massage

Unknown Benefits of Massage Therapy

Unknown Benefits of Massage

If you’ve ever had a massage, you’re familiar with that delicious limp-noodle feeling afterward. It’s relaxing and feels so luxurious. However, there are many reasons to get a massage other than pampering. Massage is rapidly becoming more and more accepted as helping with a number of health issues.

Here are a few areas you may not have thought of as being helped by massage:

  • Massage helps clear your sinuses. Lymphatic massage does a nice job of clearing the sinuses. Working on someone’s head for an hour and focus on draining the sinuses by loosening the muscles by manipulating the face and the skull helps — especially when allergies are the problem.
  • Massage can ease some cancer symptoms. Massage therapy does not treat cancer. However, it relieves symptoms associated with cancer and cancer treatment, such as stress and sore muscles.
  • Kids can benefit from massage. This can also be said for infants as well as older children. In the U.K., massage has been used in school-aged children and has been shown to decrease stress hormones, ease depression, improve sleeping habits and decrease fighting with others, just to name a few of the positive effects
  • Massage can help caregivers and families. Taking care of chronically ill family members is a demanding job. Many caregivers experience stress and health problems themselves as a result. Massage therapy can help them cope.

Considering the health benefits of massage and how good it makes you feel, adding massage to your regular health regime makes sense. Or perhaps a rewarding career that helps improve the lives of others is on your mind. Visit our homepage at http://www.school-for-massage.com/las-vegas-campus/. Whether you are looking for a place to receive healthful, relaxing massage services or a school where you can learn all you need to know about becoming a massage therapist, the European Massage Therapy School, Las Vegas Campus has everything you are looking for.