Massage Therapy for Weight Loss?

massage therapy for weight loss

Massage Therapy for Weight Loss?

Massage: anything this good must be fattening, right? Wrong! Scientists are now confirming what massage therapists have always known — massage can be a powerful and effective weight-loss tool. By improving your body’s resilience, aiding muscle nutrition and flexibility, and supporting your mental and emotional well-being, massage can take your weight-loss plan to a whole new level.

The relationship between massage and weight loss is the result of many subtle improvements working together, including better injury prevention and healing. Massage helps to heal existing injuries by breaking down scar tissue and other adhesions. This creates a more functional muscle and improves joint integrity. Massage therapists also work to improve your flexibility and range of motion. This makes you less likely to hurt yourself, meaning more productive and pain-free hours in the gym, but the benefits don’t end there.

When you receive a massage, you’re directly impacting the circulatory system. By constantly moving blood to body tissues, your massage therapist increases the amount of oxygen and nutrients your muscles receive. This soothing cycle eases you into much-needed rest and relaxation time.

The qualitative style of Swedish massage relaxes the nervous system and takes the body into what is known as the parasympathetic nervous system. The parasympathetic state is very restorative to the body–it is where the body needs to go to heal itself. When you accomplish this through massage, it means you’ll need less recovery time between workouts and that you can move your fitness routine full speed ahead.

Losing weight isn’t easy. Thankfully, it’s simple to incorporate massage into the healthy lifestyle you’re building, but it’s important to communicate your goals and expectations to your massage therapist.

For example:

  • If you’re following an exercise routine, how has it affected your body?
  • Are there any particular areas of tension or discomfort?
  • Where do you tend to gain weight first?
  • How is your digestive health?
  • Is your lifestyle relaxed or stressful?”

The more information you can provide your therapist, the better your results will be. This includes your medical history. During your intake process, inform your massage therapist about any health problems, surgeries, medications, and even recent minor illnesses you’ve had. Anything your doctor needs to know, your massage therapist needs to know as well.

Regular massage is all about reconnecting with your body and getting back into yourself. As you continue to take time out to relax and care for your body through regular appointments, you’ll naturally become more aware of your body’s needs and more motivated to meet them.

It’s time to update your massage from guilty pleasure status to indispensable health habit, and reap the benefits in the form of a fitter, happier you. Call (702) 202-2455 to schedule an appointment at our student clinic.