
Monthly Archives: April 2017

Home 2017 April

Going Back to School Doesn’t Have to be Scary

admvegas April 13, 2017
Going Back to School Doesn’t Have to be Scary The thought of heading to school as an adult – either after you’ve been away for a few years or if you never got around to going in the first place – is nerve-racking, to say the least. However, making this decision doesn’t have to be...

What to Expect at a Massage Appointment

admvegas April 3, 2017
What to Expect at a Massage Appointment Welcome! You’re here at European Massage Therapy School, and you’ve made your first appointment for our student clinic today. Now what? One way you can ensure a better experience for yourself and the student therapist is communication. During the massage you are encouraged to give feedback to your...
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